Tagged: Rick Kranitz

I Got A Ball !!

Thumbnail image for IMG_0170.JPGI am so much the anti-ballhawk. I leave that up to the kids. But tonight I got a ball at the Orioles- Tigers game, and I got it in the coolest way.

I went down near the Orioles bullpen to take a few pictures for the blog of rookie pitcher David Hernandez, who was making his major league debut, starting against the Tigers. I was standing there talking to a few other fans when Orioles pitching coach Rick Kranitz came walking over.

I guess he had noticed me taking the pictures and he said,”You look like you’re a David Hernandez fan.” I said, ” Yes,sir, I sure am.” Kranitz then said,” Well, I’d like to give you this ball. Its the first ball David used to warm up with.” Then he tossed a ball up to me.

After thanking him, I have to admit, I felt like a kid! That was so cool! It made my night.

